Freddi fish 1 scummvm
Freddi fish 1 scummvm

freddi fish 1 scummvm

Enter the cave, but first you'll see a Beautiful Shell, pick that up for later then Pry the rock that is trapping Gaby using the wooden plank to save him. Click on her to pull her out & she'll tell you Gabby is stuck in the cave. (You can also play the Feeding Frenzy Minigame by going Right if you want.) Then you'll reach Mrs. Now backtrack until you reach the surface until you Fiddler Crab trapped in a cage, use the Silver Key to Release him and get the Fishing Pole. Keep going Left until you reach the Old Whale Bones and see a bone which you'll need later.

freddi fish 1 scummvm

You'll also see a shrimp net but you can't get through it Super Duper Dooka Booka Poly Gizmo but you'll need a clock from the Junkyard to get it. Pick up both the Wooden Board & Purple Sea Urchin, then go left until you meet Ray & you'll see a Silver Key, pick it up.

freddi fish 1 scummvm

Continue going Left and you'll find, a Wooden Board & Purple Sea Urchin. She'll try to get in the cave, but she can't fit and gets stuck. Head down the right path, and continue to meet Mrs. To get the Clue Botle at the Volcano, you'll need 4 Purple sea Urchins to do so.

Freddi fish 1 scummvm